Program overview


Agrostat 2022 - program
Campus of La Doua, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, bâtiment Thémis
11 Avenue Gaston Berger, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
DAY 1 Thursday, june 16th    
  Duration Time Topic    
  02:00 15:00   Access to Agrostat space Time allocated for presenters willing to display their posters and/or load and test their oral presentation the day before the conference.
  01:00 17:00   General Assembly Open to all participants. Aiming at gathering input from participants about past activities and expected future activities of the Agro-Industry and Statistical Methods group.
    18:00 End    
    20:00   Gala diner (included in fees) Restaurant "Comptoir Chabert", 13/14 Quai Romain Rolland, Lyon
DAY 2 Friday, june 17th    
  Duration Time Topic    
  00:10 08:45 Welcome message  
  Session 1 - chairman: Sébastien Lè  
  00:20 08:55 Oral 1 Bougeard Stéphanie, Bry Xavier, Verron Thomas, Niang Ndeye Combined-information criterion for clusterwise elastic-net regression. Application to omic data
  00:20 09:15 Oral 2 Gonzales-Barron Ursula, Ellouze Mariem, Cadavez Vasco Optimising the Selection of Temperature Levels in the Experimental Design for the Determination of the Cardinal Parameters for Microbial Growth
  00:20 09:35 Oral 3 Rogues Julien Combining incomplete cyclic design with composite central design to optimize pet food preferences assessment
  00:20 09:55 Oral 4 Mokdad Cassandra, Périchon Sébastien, Waksman Lucile, Pineau Nicolas Use of factorial fractional design for consumer test and comparison between consumer mapping techniques (preference mapping and MDS-unfolding) in the context of coffee product development
  00:30 10:15 Break    
  Session 2 - chairwoman: Stéphanie Bougeard  
  00:45 10:45 Keynote Adrien Guille Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing: Theory, Applications and Challenges
  00:20 11:30 Oral 5 Dieye Alioune, Le Gouis Jacques, Viallis Bruno, Le Couviour Fabien, Jaillais Benoit Application of Deep Learning to phenotypic traits extraction from wheat kernels
  00:20 11:50 Oral 6 Noel Muriel, Lè Sébastien, Lucet Noémie, Noël Yvonnick A touch of psychology to understand consumers: construction of a psychometric scale for the measurement of techno-affinity
  00:27 12:10 Poster Teasers (9 x 3') 3' introductory slides from each of the 9 poster presenters before the poster session
  01:33 12:37 Lunch + poster session  
  Session 3 - chairman: Pascal Schlich  
  00:20 14:10 Oral 7 Peltier Caroline, Visalli Michel, Schlich Pascal, Cardot Hervé Analyzing Temporal Dominance of Sensations data with categorical functional data techniques
  00:20 14:30 Oral 8 Llobell Fabien, Vigneau Evelyne, Qannari El Mostafa Multivariate data analysis and clustering of subjects in a Just about right task
  00:20 14:50 Oral 9 Vigneau Evelyne, Paries Martin, Bougeard Stéphanie Relationships between intensity, Just-About-Right and liking variables using PLS-PM approach
  00:20 15:10 Break    
  Session 4 - chairman: Nicolas Pineau  
  00:20 15:30 Oral 10 Rim Aboulaasri SensoMap: an interactive tool for sensory analysis develop with R {golem}
  00:20 15:50 Oral 11 Mahieu Benjamin, Qannari El Mostafa, Schlich Pascal Using ASCA to analyze CATA data
  00:10 16:10 Closure session and announcement of Agrostat 2024    
    16:20 End    
  List of posters  
 3' introductory slides for each poster
  1 Bertrand Noémie, Palczak Julie Cosmetic specificities in sensory evaluation and statistical analysis - Study case of deodorant products
  2 Elisa Palmas, Farkas Zsuzsa, Jozwiak Akos Applying a text mining software for emerging risk identification in the food chain
  3 Mahieu Benjamin, Qannari El Mostafa, Schlich Pascal Relating the liking scores to CATA data using multiblock PLS-regression
  4 Cheng Yue, Butler Francis, Mousavi Zeinabossadat, Pennone Vincenzo The investigation of sanitizer resistance genes in listeria monocytogenes Isolated from different food processing facilities
  5 Caroline Peltier, Benoit Jaillais , Mohamed Hanafi Output convergence versus divergence of multiblock methods
  6 Claeys-Bruno Magalie, Sergent Michelle, Guedj Sacha Quality by Design: principle and Design Space construction methods in the context of Design of Experiments
  7 Pedrosa Mariana, Heleno Sandrina, Carocho Marcio, Barros Lillian Olive leaf extracts as natural preservatives in foods: nutritional, chemical and physical analysis in quark cheese
  8 Coelho-Fernandes Sara, Rodrigues Gisela, Faria Ana Sofia, Cadavez Vasco, Gonzales-Barron Ursula A Dynamic Model of the Survival of Staphylococcus aureus in a Non-Ready-to-Eat Sausage During Maturation
  9 Michele Ricci,Flavia Gasperi, Pietro Franceschi Application of ASCA framework on the analysis of food production process



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